School resumes for students on Tuesday, January 8, 2019.
Have a safe and happy New Year!
Parents: This is a reminder that the district has a no charge policy for meals. Parents can sign up with or send money with their child to school. We have been having issues in the cafeteria with students not having money, which is causing the line to move slowly. Thank you in advance for your help.
The NLR Trap Team (grades 6-12) will have a MANDATORY parent meeting on Tues, Dec 11 @ 6:00 pm at Blue Rock Gun Club, 7800 Baucum Pike. Questions? Sally Pryor at
Community coding event!
War Memorial Stadium has a bag policy. Make sure that you follow the policy to ensure entrance into the stadium.
NLRMS student Kamryn Singleton received the AR State Trooper, Junior Trooper Award this month for being a great student, going above and beyond to help his peers, and completing ALL Focus Areas for the school year on the Summit Platform. He was nominated by AP Greg Jones.
NLRMS 7/8th campus will be hosting a Summit Parent Night, Tuesday October 23 at 5:30 in the auditorium. Parents helped send a reminder this morning during drop off passing out water with an invitation.
We will have an Active Shooter Drill at 3:00 on Wednesday, October 10. This will be one of four that we will be doing this year. This includes grades 6-8.
You will also be receiving a robo call.
There will be no school for students on September 21 due to parent/teacher conferences.
Parent/Teacher conferences will be held on Thursday, September 20 from 3:50-6:50 and Friday, September 21 from 8:00-11:00. Core classes will meet as a team. (See list below.) Elective teachers will be in their individual classrooms. Coaches will be in room 127. Conferences are on a first come, first serve basis. Please have your child write down their schedule and room numbers.
Join us August 30 at 5:30 in the large auditorium for NLRMS 7/8 grade Open House. After the meeting in the large auditorium, parents will have an opportunity to visit their child’s classes and meet their teachers. Please have your child write their schedule down along with room numbers to know which classrooms to visit. The PTA will be there selling t-shirts and memberships. We hope to see you there!
7th grade boys basketball tryouts will be August 27 from 3:45-5:30 in the lower gym at the middle school.
8th grade boys basketball tryouts will be August 30 from 3:45-5:30 in the lower gym at the middle school.
Students Must have a current physical and consent form on file.
7/8th grade blue and gold tryouts for girls basketball will be held Monday, August 20th in the upper gym at the middle school from 3:45-5:00. You must have a current physical and consent form to tryout.
Join us on August 7 in the large auditorium. We will be going over the parent misconceptions of the Summit Learning Platform. 6th grade will begin at 5:30 and 7th/8th grade will begin at 7:15.