Amboy, Crestwood, Meadow Park, NLR Center of Excellence, and NLRMS were recognized by the U of A’s College of Education and Health Professions for significant growth on the ACT Aspire last school year. The leaders of those schools were recognized at tonight’s board meeting.
Students at North Little Rock Middle School participated in a door decorating contest as a way to learn about the contributions of Black Americans during Black History Month.
WATCH: ------>
NLRMS 7/8 grade campus will have an Active Shooter DRILL on Wednesday, February 20th at 9:00.
The North Little Rock School District is in session on Monday, February 18! #GoCATS
Mandatory Parent meeting for high school spirit group tryouts
Anyone interested in trying out for 9th grade cheer or dance team or varsity cheer or dance team needs to have a parent attend the MANDATORY parent meeting on Monday, February 18th at 5:30 in the cafeteria. There will be a whole group meeting to go over the spirit handbook and tryout requirements, then there will be 15 minute breakout sessions for each team to tell specifics of that tryout, skills needed, costs of the team, etc. For example, if an 8th grader wants to tryout for 9th grade cheer and 9th grade dance, they would attend the whole group meeting, then the 15 minute session for cheer and next the 15 minute session for dance.
Parent attendance at the meeting is mandatory for anyone wanting to tryout!
The North Little Rock Transportation department has been notified by the North Little Rock Parks & Recreation Department that all recreation centers will be closed Monday February 18, 2019 for President’s Day. We have also been notified by the Boys & Girls Club that the Hamilton and Wetherington Clubs will be closed Monday. No students will be dropped off at these locations. Please announce to students Monday morning so other arrangements can be made before end of day.
District Social Worker & Homeless Liaison Bobbie Riggins wants everyone to know these EAST Initiative/ FARM students from NLRMS were instrumental in helping them sort through boxes of donations provided by Feed the Children on Tuesday. It was a tall order, but these guys used their "muscle" to get the job done to serve our families. These service-minded students include the following: Noah Hankir, Alex Stafford, Mason Mulherin, Jalon McClendon, Michael Bryant, and Hudson Cameron.
North Little Rock School District is committed to keeping our students and staff healthy. We are now officially in flu season. Symptoms of influenza include fever, cough, sore throat, headache, fatigue and body aches. Please have your child evaluated by a physician if these symptoms occur and report back to us.
-Do not send your child back to school until they are free of fever for 24 hours without the use of Tylenol or Ibuprofen.
-Per District Policy, a fever is anything 100 F or higher.
-If your child has vomiting or diarrhea, DO NOT send them to school until 24hours after last episode.
**Make sure the office has an updated phone number to reach you in case your child is ill or injured at school!
North Little Rock, get ready!!! It's coming again - this time in a different location because we want to bring the school to your neighborhood. Join us at Shorter College on Saturday, February 16 at 10 am for Books and Bagels.
Research has proven that parent/family involvement yields high student success. Well, so does community involvement! We all live, work, and play in communities and they have an impact on students' success. Come out and participate in our roundtable discussion led by Tasha Moore (Story.Tell.Her) of Tasha Teaches Spanish.
Discussion Topic: “Child See, Child Do”
Basing her talk on the popular expression that states the way we behave is noticed and mimicked by others, poet and educator LaTasha Moore will discuss how the actions of parents are noticed and mimicked by their children. The talk will be interactive and allow for questions, discussion, and, hopefully, group learning. LaTasha will raise questions designed to make parents think about the behaviors they, and others around them, are modeling for their children.
The little children can enjoy reading time and a craft, too. Last but not least, there will be free continental breakfast! Get up and get you and your kids out on Saturday, February 16th at 10am. See you there!
"As a school counselor, I want my students to know there is a way!!"
--Cindy Quarry, counselor at North Little Rock Middle School Seventh and Eighth Grade Campus
"As a school counselor, I want my students to know don't wish for it, work for it!!"
--Alicia Bailey, counselor at North Little Rock Middle School Seventh and Eighth Grade Campus
It is time to begin thinking about scheduling classes for the 2019-2020 school year. Selection sheets for current 6th graders should be sent home on or before February 11 to make selections for their 7th grade school year. Current 7th graders will receive their selection sheets Monday, February 11 through their social studies classes. All sheets must be returned by February 25 to their social studies teacher.
Below, you will find a link to the 2019-2020 curriculum guide and links to two videos explaining how to fill out the selection sheets. Please click on the appropriate video link by selecting the grade your child will be in for the 2019-2020 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact the 7/8 counselors. Their contact information is listed below.
Alicia Bailey (7th Grade Counselor):
Cindy Quarry (8th Grade Counselor):
Link to Curriculum Guide:
Link to 7th Grade Video:
Link to 8th Grade Video:
Parent Conferences will be held Thursday, February 7 and Monday, February 11 from 3:45-6:45.
Reminder there is after school TUTORING every Monday and Thursday from 3:45-4:45 for those students that have signed up for tutoring.
There is no school on Monday, January 21, 2019 in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day!
Parent Notification of BMI/Scoliosis Screening
Dear Parents:
On February 5h we will be doing BMI/Scoliosis screening on all 8th grade students.
The procedure for screening is a simple one in which the child’s back is observed as he/she stands upright and as he/she bends forward. To observe this condition, each child will be asked to remove their shirt. The screening will be conducted in privacy with only the student and nurse present.
Any curvature or “back hump” that is noticed during the screening may indicate the need for further evaluation. If a problem is found, you will be notified, and we will recommend that you take your child to the physician of your choice for evaluation.
It is a state mandated screening. If you do not want your student to participate in the scoliosis screening you will need to let us know in writing before the screening date.
Phone calls will not be accepted.
If your child does not participate you will have to take them to a physician and have the screening done and return a record from the doctor with the results of the screening.
Thank you,
Tonya Green RN, BSN
School Nurse
Telephone Number: (501) 771-8200
Fax Number: (501) 771-8206
From the office of transportation:
To the parents of NLR Middle School, High School, COE, and Academy: starting Tuesday, January 22, 2019, all students will be required to wear their name badges before entering the bus. Students who refuse to comply may be subject to not being allowed to get on the bus. The handbook already requires that all students wear their name badges. This is a safety concern. By regulation, we are required to know all of the individuals who are being transported by our buses as well as where they were sitting (seating chart). Besides it being required, it helps us protect your children, identify them for disciplinary issues, as well as locate your children in case of emergencies.
SITE CHANGE: eSTEM vs North Little Rock Gold 8th grade girls and boys basketball games will be played in the auxiliary gym at North Little Rock High School. The girls' game will start at 5:00 p.m., followed by the boys' game.
There will be 1 parent meeting for anyone interested in trying out for any high school spirit group: 9th grade cheer, 9th grade dance, Varsity cheer and/or Varsity dance.
Monday, February 18th
5:30 p.m.
NLRHS cafeteria
A parent MUST attend if a student is interested in trying out for ANY spirit group at NLRHS.
There will be a general meeting to go over the handbook and then breakout sessions for the specific group you would like to tryout for.
Enjoy working with kids? Come join the NLRSD family!