Interested in what your student is learning at school each day? Want to know what important dates and events might be coming up? Check out the NLRMS 6 weekly newsletter at this link for all the details:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Reminder: NLRMS 6 students will be taking the NWEA interim assessments beginning Monday, Sept 25th during 1st period advisory. You can help your student experience the most success on this test by making sure they get a good night's sleep, eat a good breakfast, arrive at school on time, and are present everyday.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Extra! Extra! Read all about it! NLRMS 6 students will take the NWEA interim assessment on Sept. 25-28th during 1st period advisory. This test is an important measure that teachers use to plan individualized instruction. Please make sure your student arrives at school on time.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Save the date for NLRMS 6th Grade Literacy Fiesta on October 10, 2023. Come out and join us for food, fun, and literacy!
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Literacy Fiesta Graphic
This message is to inform you that power is out at Seventh Street and the Administrative Annex. In addition, internet and phone lines are down across the district. We are working with NLR Electric to restore power. We will provide another update as it becomes available.
over 1 year ago, NLRSD
SAVE THE DATE-NLRMS 6th graders will take the NWEA assessment beginning Sept. 25th through Sept. 29th. You can help your student be successful on these dates by ensuring that he/she gets a good night's rest the night before the test, eats a good breakfast, and arrives at school on time.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Curious what is happening at the 6th grade campus? Check out this week's newsletter for all the important information:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Check out this week's edition of our NLRMS 6 Newsletter to see all the important things happening on our campus:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Looking for information about your child's teachers, what they are learning in class, or upcoming dates and events? Check out the NLRMS 6 newsletter for all your need to know information. Access the newsletter at this link:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Parents, There have been some updates in the handbook. Because of this ALL families who have already registered must resign the handbook signature page (electronically). This must be done before your child will be able to use any school technology. Handbook: Link to sign:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Parents, There have been some updates in the handbook. Because of this ALL families who have already registered must resign the handbook signature page (electronically). This must be done before your child will be able to use any school technology. Handbook: Link to sign:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Dear Parents, As we continue to adjust our pick-up and drop-off procedures for the safety and security of our students, all 6th graders must be picked up and dropped off in the 6th grade parking lot which can be accessed on Martineau off of McCain Blvd. Please note that 6th grade parents will no longer be able to drop off or pick up their students in the East parking lot off of Lakeview Rd. Thank you for your continued support in protecting our students.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Reminder: Tomorrow, August 16th is our first early release Wednesday of the year. NLRMS 6 students will be released at 1:50.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
For the safety and security of our students at NLRMS 6, we request that parents not park in the parking lot directing in front of the 6th grade entrance to pick up students after school. Students are only allowed to cross the street at the crosswalk. The safest and most efficient way to pick up your child is by driving through the pickup line. We appreciate your help in keeping our students safe.
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Happy First Day, NLRMS 6 Teachers and Staff!
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Teacher Survival Kit
Parents, There have been some updates in the handbook. Because of this ALL families who have already registered must resign the handbook signature page (electronically). This must be done before your child will be able to use any school technology. Handbook: Link to sign:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
Safety is our top priority in the North Little Rock School District. Here are our security officers who will be at our middle and high schools this year. Joining them will be school resource officers from the NLR Police Department to protect our students, staff, and guests.
over 1 year ago, NLRSD
security officers
Parents, There have been some updates in the handbook. Because of this ALL families who have already registered must resign the handbook signature page (electronically). This must be done before your child will be able to use any school technology. Handbook: Link to sign:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6
The 2023-2024 bus routes are now available! Please remember that bus routes are subject to change. Please click on this link to see the bus routes:
over 1 year ago, NLRSD
back to school clipart with supplies and chalk line
Parents, There have been some updates in the handbook. Because of this ALL families who have already registered must resign the handbook signature page (electronically). This must be done before your child will be able to use any school technology. Handbook: Link to sign:
over 1 year ago, NLRMS 6