Dear 8th-grade students and parents,
The COE is offering a FREE Boot Camp for Algebra I this summer to prepare students for success in high school math. Students will get to keep a graphing calculator at the completion of the program. If interested, contact Mrs. Whisnant by emailing her at whisnantk@nlrsd.org
Want to join the NLR Softball Team for the 2022-2023 school year? Sign up at the following link:
For questions, contact Coach Courtney Clark at clarkco@nlrsd.org.
Important Bus Change for the REST of the 2021-2022 school year!
Good evening please see the following route change that started on 5/5/2020;
2118 7:10 Crutcher St & W 36th St #142
2118 7:14 Valleyview & Scenic #142
2118 7:15 Cliffwood & Scenic Dr #142
2118 7:18 Long 17th Street & Crutcher #142
2118 7:19 13th & Park #142
2118 7:20 13th & Division #142
2118 7:40 Arrive NLR Middle School #142
2103 7:10 41st & Pike #119
2103 7:12 Parkway & Division #119
2103 7:14 Lynn Ln & Parkway Dr #119
2103 7:18 Augusta Circle & Arrowhead #119
2103 7:22 Theresa Dr & MacArthur Dr #119
2103 7:24 East & MacArthur Dr. #119
2103 7:26 Berkley Dr & East Dr #119
2103 7:28 Berkley Dr & Virginia Dr #119
2103 7:40 Arrive NLR Middle School #119
8th-grade students only will participate in an ACT Aspire Test incentive on Friday, May 6th. The NLRMS 7/8 -PTA will be selling concessions for $1.00 for our 8th grade students ONLY!
Important Bus Change for the REST of the 2021-2022 school year!
Good afternoon see the following route change will start 5/5/2020;
2118 7:10 Crutcher St & W 36th St #142
2118 7:14 Valleyview & Scenic #142
2118 7:15 Cliffwood & Scenic Dr #142
2118 7:18 Long 17th Street & Crutcher #142
2118 7:19 13th & Park #142
2118 7:20 13th & Division #142
2118 7:40 Arrive NLR Middle School #142
2103 7:10 41st & Pike #119
2103 7:12 Parkway & Division #119
2103 7:14 Lynn Ln & Parkway Dr #119
2103 7:18 Augusta Circle & Arrowhead #119
2103 7:22 Theresa Dr & MacArthur Dr #119
2103 7:24 East & MacArthur Dr. #119
2103 7:26 Berkley Dr & East Dr #119
2103 7:28 Berkley Dr & Virginia Dr #119
2103 7:40 Arrive NLR Middle School #119
We are happy to announce an 8th grade End of Year Ceremony. We are especially proud of our 8th grade students and their commitment to their academics during these unprecedented times. This special event is both a privilege and an opportunity to honor our students for their time at North Little Rock Middle School. This ceremony does not guarantee that your student has met the requirements to be promoted to the Ninth Grade. Students who participate in this ceremony may still be required to attend summer school if they do not have a passing grade in all core classes. Participation in the ceremony is optional. Please be mindful that this is an Early Release Day for NLRSD and all schools will be dismissed at their designated time. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1eBPuCbD7IXLXauj8vIqXE9cTb-2SSlhB/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=103465145993956734483&rtpof=true&sd=true
May 5th will be the 3rd Day of ACT Aspire Testing for ALL 8th-graders and the 3rd Day of fun for our 7th graders.
Make sure your Chromebooks are charged.
Remember NO HOODIES, phones, smartphones, smart watches, or ear buds in the testing room.
7th-graders- LEAVE your backpacks at home!
May 4th will be the 2nd Day of ACT Aspire Testing for ALL 8th-graders and the 2nd Day of fun for our 7th graders.
Make sure your Chromebooks are charged.
Remember NO HOODIES, phones, smartphones, smart watches, or ear buds in the testing room.
7th-graders- LEAVE your backpacks at home!
The 8th-Grade ACT ASPIRE Test starts tomorrow.
May 3rd,4th, and 5th. All 8th grade students will test on the NLRMS 7th-8th grade campus.
PLEASE remind your 8th-grade student to charge their Chromebook so they will be ready for testing in the morning.
7th-Grade students please leave your BACKPACKS/ and valuables at home for the next 3 days, you won’t need them on the field trips.
May 2, 2022,
Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
Starting tomorrow, May 3, 2022 NLRMS 7th-8th-grade campus will start our yearly state testing for the 2021-2022 school year. Below you will find helpful information that can be used as a tool of reference.
8th-grade students will not be allowed to wear hoodies while in the testing room. This also means they will not be able to wear hoodies or jackets with hoods into the testing room.
Students need to get a good night's rest each night.
Students need to be at school on time.
Students will need to go to the cafeteria for breakfast if they didn't eat before getting to school.
Attendance will be taken daily as the students rotate through their daily schedule throughout the testing week.
Students might want to leave their electronic devices at the house during testing because they will not be allowed to have any electronic devices in the classroom during testing. (smartphones, earbuds, smartwatches, phones, tablets, etc.)
Students that bring devices to the NLRMS 7/8 Campus will have to power off the devices and check them in with their testing teacher.
Devices will be given back to the students once daily testing is over.
If you are planning on checking your child out after testing then the following items will be needed:
Photo Identification matching the name of the person listed on the student's profile to check the student out. (students will not be allowed to check out or leave with anyone if proper identification requirements aren't met.
Parents will not be able to check students out during our daily testing blocks.
7th-grade students not testing will have to have a signed permission slip form in order to participate in the fun activities scheduled for them.
7th-grade students do NOT need to bring their backpacks to school with them during 8th-grade testing.
ACT Aspire Testing for ALL 8th-grade students: May 3rd, 4th, and 5th
8th-grade virtual students will test on the North Little Rock Middle School 7th-8th-grade campus.
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! We are so thankful to all teachers across our district. Join us in saluting them for their hard work and their drive to always put students first. Reach out to a former teacher or your student's teachers and share how much they've made an impact!
7th-grade students only will participate in an ACT Aspire Test incentive on Friday, April 29th! The NLRMS 7/8 -PTA will be selling concessions for $1.00 for our 7th grade students ONLY!
Tennis tryouts will take place on May 19 at 4:30 p.m. at the Burns Park Tennis Center. Interested 8th-11th graders must have a current physical and parent consent form on file in the Athletic Office.
For questions, please contact Coach Haley at haleyf@nlrsd.org.
Parents and Guardians of 7th -grade students testing today!
Do to technical difficulties students will not be allowed to check out until the completion of our 2nd session of the ACT Aspire test. Please push any checkout times back by 1.5 hours. Check outs will not begin until all testing blocks are over.
Elizabeth McMahan, a Special Education Reading Teacher at the Seventh & Eighth Grade Campus, received the Superintendent's Honor Roll recognition. Her students showed major growth in reading on NWEA exams, which provide teachers and administrators with data to gauge achievement.
The Board of Education saluted the Golden Girls Ensemble from the NLRMS - Seventh & Eighth Grade Campus on earning superior ratings at the Region 2 Choral Performance Assessment in March. In addition, the choir sang at Regular Board Meeting.
The Board of Education saluted the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council on providing wise counsel to Dr. Pilewski each month to improve the overall student experience for everyone. This council is made of up middle and high school students from across the district.
April 25th, 2022,
Parents, Guardians, and Caregivers,
Starting tomorrow, April 26, 2022 NLRMS 7th-8th-grade campus will start our yearly state testing for the 2021-2022 school year. Below you will find helpful information that can be used as a tool of reference.
Students will not be allowed to wear hoodies while being tested. This also means they will not be able to wear them into the testing room.
Helpful Information about Testing
Students need to get a good night's rest each night.
Students need to be at school on time.
Students will need to go to the cafeteria for breakfast if they didn't eat before getting to school.
Attendance will be taken daily as the students rotate through their daily schedule throughout the testing week.
Students need to know you believe in them and that they will do great on the ACT Aspire.
Students might want to leave their electronic devices at the house during testing because they will not be allowed to have any electronic devices in the classroom during testing. (smartphones, earbuds, smartwatches, phones, tablets, etc.)
Students that bring devices to the NLRMS 7/8 Campus will have to power off the devices and check them in with their testing teacher. Devices will be given back to the students once daily testing is over.
If you are planning on checking your child out after testing then the following items will be needed:
Photo Identification matching the name of the person listed on the student's profile to check the student out. (students will not be allowed to check out or leave with anyone if proper identification requirements aren't met.
Parents will not be able to check students out during our daily testing blocks.
Students that are not testing will have to have a signed permission slip form in order to participate in the fun activities scheduled for those non-testing days.
Week 1: ACT Aspire Testing for 7th-grade students: April 26th, 27th, and 28th or have their phones in posession during the testing blocks.
Week 2: ACT Aspire Testing for 8th-grade students: May 3rd, 4th, and 5th
Both 7th & 8th-grade virtual students will test on the North Little Rock Middle School 7th-8th-grade campus.
ACT Aspire Testing Reminder Information:
8th Grade students going to the movies may bring money for any concessions they'd like to purchase.
Working LINK!
Students should have picked up their interim reports from their 4th-period teacher today. Grades should also be viewable on HAC.