NLR COE Zoom Parent Meeting March 1, 2023, Informational parent/student meeting for rising 9th-grade students who wish to learn more about the NLR Center of Excellence.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8 Family! Click the link to view this week's "Message to Parents".
almost 2 years ago, Elise Hampton
Interim reports have been given out to all NLRMS 7th and 8th -grade students. Parents and guardians can view all interim reports by logging into their HAC accounts.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Spring Good Mourning Grief Support Groups will be in-person at our Little Rock ACH campus. The 8-week series will begin on Tuesday, March 28 and there will be a Parent Orientation on Tuesday, March 14. All meetings will be 6-7:30 pm. Applications for K-12 children and teens are now being accepted. Please see attached brochure for more information and please share this information with any who might be interested.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Grief Support Flyer 2023
NLRMS 7th-8th-grade Student Council members hosted lunch for our NLR School Board members and Dr. Pilewski. During the meet and greet session, our NLRMS Student Council members were able to share their ideas, concerns, and love for the NLRMS 7/8 Grade Campus. Thank you NLR School Board members and Dr. Pilewski for sharing your afternoon with all of us on the NLRMS 7th-8th- grade campus.North Little Rock School District
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
On February 16, 2023, Mr. Tanner Dippolito with the NLRMS 7/8 Campus received the NLRSD Superintendents Honor Roll Award for going "Above and Beyond" not only as a multi-classroom leader in the math department but as a team player by filling in the gaps for his peers but also in making sure the NLRMS 7/8-grade students are given every opportunity to excel during the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you, Mr. Dippolito, for your hard work and dedication to everyone on the NLRMS 7/8-grade campus.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Going Above and Beyond
Mrs. Vanessa Dolphin-Edwards was nominated by the staff of the NLRMS 7/8-Grade Campus for the Parent North S.T.A.R Award. Mrs. Dolphin-Edwards has given for many years her time, talents, service, and gifts as a way to support our NLRMS 7/8 students, teachers, and staff. Thank you Mrs. Vanessa Dolphin-Edwards, for all you've done and continue to do for the NLRSD Community.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
2023 NLRMS 7/8   Parent North STAR Award
Please mark your calendar for Monday, February 27, 2023, and join the NLRMS 7/8 staff and the Staff of Boone Park Elementary as we enjoy our 2nd session of Community Conversations to discuss the following: School Performance, State Testing, ESSA Scorecards, and Attendance. We look forward to seeing you!
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Community Conversations NLRMS 7/8 PTA and Staff
NLRMS 7/8 needs your pictures! Submit a selfie with your pet cat to showcase your “Wildcat” and/or submit a picture of you as a baby for a “Guess Who” section. Please send pictures to
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Parents and Guardians if you were unable to make the mandatory parent meeting that took place on 2-20-2023 at the NLRHS then please join us on Thursday, Mar 2, 2023, from 5 pm - 5:30 pm in the NLRMS mini auditorium for the 2023-2024 Cheer and Dance tryout parent/ guardian MAKE-Up Meeting.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Parents and Guardians if you were unable to make the mandatory parent meeting that took place on 2-20-2023 at the NLRHS then please join us on Thursday, Mar 2, 2023, from 5 pm - 5:30 pm in the NLRMS mini auditorium for the 2023-2024 Cheer and Dance tryout parent/ guardian MAKE-Up Meeting.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
The mandatory meeting for parents whose students are interested in joining a spirit group next school year will be tonight at 6:00pm in the NLRHS Cafeteria. Parents or guardians must attend the meeting in order for their child to participate. This meeting is for the parents of students who will be in grades 7th through 12th grade next year.
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
mandatory meeting for parents/ guardians for 2023- 2024 Cher/dance tryouts
NLRSD is open for learning today! Please make sure your students come to school!
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
NLRSD has school on 2/20/2022
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8 Family! Click the link to view this week's "Message to Parents".
almost 2 years ago, Elise Hampton
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8 Family! Click the link to view this week's "Message to Parents."
almost 2 years ago, Elise Hampton
Good evening parents, guardians, and caregivers, Parent Teacher Conferences will be held Thursday, February 9th starting at 12:00 pm and will end at 6:00 pm on the NLRMS 7/8-Grade Campus. Please use the link below and sign up to visit with your child's teacher(s).
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Parents, guardians, and caregivers starting Wednesday, February 8, 2022, NLRMS 7/8 Campus will start having R.E.S.T Wednesdays in all core classrooms as a tool to reteach, enrich, support, and track student growth. This is not a time for students to take a rest in the classroom. R.E.S.T is to give that extra layer of support to all our students. Please encourage your students to utilize their time wisely during R.E.S.T days. #wedoexcellence REST Wednesdays Reteach Enrich Support Track
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
R.E.S.T- Wednesday
February 14 - Pep Rally - Because our Student Council and Cheerleaders were unable to meet for several days last week, we have moved the pep rally to next week. **Due to limited space, the pep rally will be closed to the public**
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
February 8 - BMI Screening for 8th Graders - Parent Notification of BMI/Scoliosis Screening February 9 - No School/Parent Teacher Conferences - Click this link to schedule conferences February 10 - No School
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
February 6-10 - School Counselor’s Appreciation Week - Please let our counselors (Dr. Leverette, Ms. Martin, and Ms. Harris) know how much we appreciate them this week!
almost 2 years ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School