We have been monitoring the temperature for the day of the ceremony. Due to the expected high temperatures, we will be doing the ceremony in the NLRHS auditorium instead of in the high school arena. Because seating is limited in the auditorium, we will have 2 ceremonies to make space for students and their guests. Students will attend the promotion ceremony with their first-period class. Please see the list below to know which ceremony your student will attend. You may check HAC (Home Access Center) to see which teacher your student has 1st period. Please click on the link below for detailed information regarding the 8th-grade promotional event. https://www.smore.com/9pths
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
8th-Grade Promotional Informational Link: https://www.smore.com/9pths
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8 Family! We wanted to provide you with a few updates regarding the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony. Please click the link to view these updates: https://docs.google.com/document/d/11Espj7eLotmZWZR2eDNEqWIePbeoE08A5pmDB82ltsk/edit?usp=sharing
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Parents, guardians, and caregivers, Tomorrow our students that met the behavior requirements will have the opportunity to attend CATFEST 2023. Students were notified today if they DID NOT meet the behavioral requirements to attend. CATFEST SCHEDULE: The 8th Grade will attend CATFEST from 8:30 - 10:00 am, and the 7th Grade will attend CATFEST from 10:20 - 11:50 am. PTA will be on campus selling some of those all-time favorite snacks the kids can't do without. (Students will need to bring money to purchase these snacks) STUDENTS, PLEASE LEAVE YOUR BACKPACKS AT THE HOUSE TOMORROW It is important that our students are dressed for the warm weather and lots of sunshine. Students will need to dress in appropriate outdoor attire. The NLRMS 7/8 Campus will continue to follow the 2022-2023 Dress Code criteria for all clothing and shoe choices. As a reminder spaghetti straps halter tops, tube tops, and mid-drift tops are not allowed to be worn during school hours. Students that didn't meet the behavioral requirements will have the opportunity to work on themselves with several self-reflective activities during CATFEST.
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Good Morning Parents and Guardians, We have a few updates to provide regarding the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony on May 30th. These updates will help ensure safety and security for the ceremony. All students who are participating in the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony must ride the bus from school to the ceremony. Parents may not transport students to the ceremony. Additionally, parents will not be permitted to check out students at the arena. All students must ride the bus back to school. Parents can check out students once students return to the 7/8 campus. Virtual students will be transported by their parents. We will provide details soon about where virtual students are to meet at the arena on the day of the ceremony. Thank you for your patience as we provide updates on the 8th Grade Ceremony.
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Good Afternoon NLRMS 7/8 Family! Click the link to view this week's "Message to Parents." https://bit.ly/3MMuzrC
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8 Family! The 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony will be May 30th at 9:30am at the NLRHS Arena. We invite all parents and family members to attend! In preparation for the ceremony, we need a couple pieces of information for each student. Please complete this form: https://forms.gle/pZd32nvB558bmq69A
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Current 8th through 11th grade students interested in joining the NLRHS Tennis Team can participate in tryouts on May 25 at 4:30p.m. Tryouts will take place at the NLRMS Tennis Courts. Anyone wishing to tryout must have a current physical and parent consent form on file with the school. Interested members will also need to bring their own tennis racquet.
over 1 year ago, NLRSD
Good afternoon parents, guardians, and caregivers below is the link to the Spring 2023 Parent, guardian, and Caregiver survey. Your concerns and ideas are very important to us, and we value your feedback. As the Parent Engagement Professional, on the NLRMS 7/8-Grade Campus, I'm here working for each and every one of you and for your students, and with that I need your help to ensure your voices are being heard. Please click on the link below to fill out the survey. Survey Link: https://forms.gle/TG1yt28aRwe691kX6 Thank you all for your continued support for the NLRMS 7/8 Campus and for the NLRSD. Good evening parents, guardians, and caregivers below is the link to the Spring 2023 Parent, guardian, and Caregiver survey. Your concerns and ideas are very important to us, and we value your feedback. As the Parent Engagement Professional, on the NLRMS 7/8-Grade Campus, I'm here working for each and every one of you and for your students, and with that I need your help to ensure your voices are being heard. Please click on the link below to fill out the survey. Survey Link: https://forms.gle/TG1yt28aRwe691kX6 Thank you all for your continued support for the NLRMS 7/8 Campus and for the NLRSD. Respectfully, Brandy Amberg, Parent and Family Engagement Professional for the NLRMS 7/8 Campus.
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Good Evening NLRMS 7/8. We have heard your feedback and we have decided to do an in person 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony. More details will be coming soon.
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Good Evening! Happy Mother's Day! Please click the link to view this week's "Message to Parents." https://bit.ly/3M52D0x
over 1 year ago, Elise Hampton
Rising 9th-Grade Students that are interested in the NLR Swim Team please join us on Thursday, May 18th at 5:30 PM at 7th Street Elementary for the informational meeting. Address: 1200 Bishop Lindsey Ave, North Little Rock, AR 72114 Contact Dr. Reynolds for more information, at reynoldsb@nlrsd.org
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
swim team
NLRHS Golf Tryouts for rising 9th-grade students will be Tuesday, May 23rd, 4:15 pm at the Burns Park Golf Course. You must sign up through the QR Code to try out. Current physical and consent forms are required to try out and those can be picked up in the Athletic Office. Any questions please email Coach Kilbury at kilburyb@nlrsd.org
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Golf Tryouts
Tomorrow is the big day! Come and join the North Little Rock School District family! The Hiring Fair is from 9:00 a.m. to noon.
over 1 year ago, NLRSD
Hiring Fair
Próximos Eventos 2-4 de mayo - Almuerzo más temprano debido a las pruebas de sexto grado 8-12 de mayo - Semana de agradecimiento al personal 12 de mayo - Baile de 7mo grado 16, 17, 18 de mayo - Pruebas NWEA ***Ceremonia de Promoción de 8º Grado - ¡Pronto compartiremos información sobre la Ceremonia de Promoción de 8º Grado! La ceremonia será virtual.***
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Anuncios/Recordatorios Comportamiento del Estudiante - El viernes comuniqué la siguiente información a nuestros alumnos: Peleas: los estudiantes que peleen recibirán un mínimo de 10 días de suspensión. Peleas: si un miembro del personal se lesiona tratando de responder a una pelea, los estudiantes involucrados no regresarán al campus por el resto del año escolar.
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Upcoming Events May 2-4 - Lunch Earlier Due to 6th Grade Testing May 8-12 - Staff Appreciation Week May 12 - 7th Grade Dance May 16, 17, and 18 - NWEA Testing ***8th Grade Promotion Ceremony - We will be sharing information about the 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony soon! The ceremony will be virtual. ***
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Announcements/Reminders Student Behavior - On Friday, I communicated the following information to our students: Fighting - Students who fight will receive a minimum of 10 days of suspension. Fighting - If a staff member is injured trying to respond to a fight, the students involved will not return to campus for the remainder of the school year.
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
This previous week, several parents expressed concern regarding the communication we sent about a potential threat at the 7/8 Campus. I want to reassure all of our parents and students that we have collaborated with law enforcement to ensure that our campus is safe and secure. Please help us remind students of “See/Hear Something, Say Something.” Tips can be reported anonymously through the STOPit app, which is a free, online reporting tool designed to stop threats, bullying, cyber abuse, and other inappropriate behaviors. Please click on the following link to make a report: https://appweb.stopitsolutions.com/login
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School
Due to 6th Grade ACT Aspire Testing those students wanting to try out for the 7/8th Grade Dance Team will now have tryouts starting Monday, May 15, 16, 17, and 18th. Tryout material will be released on Friday, May 5. All questions and concerns can be sent to Mr. Noble. nobled@nlrsd.org
over 1 year ago, NLR Middle School 7th/8th Grade Middle School