Metro Summer Youth Pass
over 6 years ago, NLRSD
Unlimited student bus pass
NLRMS is in the middle of construction this summer. All administration and counselors will be located at NLRHS Tower D. Students who are attending summer school may enter from the parking lot in the back doors. The parking lot is where you park for high school football games and is located off Pershing between the Post Office and Police Department. Adults who need to come to the school will need to enter through the main entrance of the high school on 22nd Street. Phone number for the 6th grade campus is 771-8200. 7th/8th Campus is 771-8250.
over 6 years ago, NLRSD
Mark your calendars! Excellent opportunity for ALL underclassmen!
over 6 years ago, NLRSD
Arkansas Commitment Flyer
Crestwood Elementary enjoyed a kickball game of 5th grade students versus teachers!  The teachers WON!!!!  P
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Please post. The NLRHS walking track will be closed starting Thursday, May 10, at 8:00 a.m. and will re-open Saturday, May 12 at it’s regular time due to a school activity.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Grand March Instructions and Map
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Grand March Map
Tiffany Bruce, Meadow Park Elementary Media Specialist, is learning about BeeBots at the AAIM Conference with other District Media Specialist.  The library is more than just books.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Congratulations to Maria Touchstone who was recently honored by the FBI as a recipient of the 2017 Director’s Community Leadership Award.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
The NLRHS Track will be closed starting Tuesday, April 24 through Thursday, April 26 due to the 7A Conference Track Meet. Thank you for your understanding.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Join us!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
NLRHS Child Nutrition Staff and NLRHS Students are practicing wellness in action by conducting a tasting test this morning for next year's menu. Come join Ms. Valerie and her staff for lunch! #WellnessinAction
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
The Lion King, Jr!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Lion King Press Release
Lion King Press Release 2
Through the NLRSD Coordinated School Health Initiative, parents and staff at Meadow Park Elementary are cooking up a healthy meal on a budget while building relationships with their 3rd session of Parent Academy. Special thanks to our nutrition & culinary experts from Fruitful Innovations, Inc.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Book release!!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Book release flyer
School Choice is now OPEN!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Interested in completing our stakeholder survey regarding selection of the new superintendent? Go to Survey closes 5 pm on 4/13
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Just a reminder - Meetings for giving input for the new NLR School District Superintendent are this week. See schedule below for you to select the meeting that is for you. You may attend a community meeting if the time for administrators, classified and certified don't work for you. If your schedule does not allow you to attend, go to and click on the link of the front page titled, “INPUT FOR NEW SUPERINTENDENT”. You will have the opportunity to answer the survey questions beginning April 9 at 8:00 a.m. through 5:00 p.m. on April 13 All meetings will be held at NLRMS Mini-Auditorium. Administrators: Monday, April 9, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Classified Employees: Tuesday, April 10, 10:30 – 11:30 a.m. Certified Employees: Tuesday, April 10, 4:30 – 5:30 p.m. Classified Employees: Wednesday, April 11, 4:30-5:30 p.m. Community: Monday, April 9, 6:00 -7:00 p.m. Tuesday, April 10, 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Reminder! Careers in the Community
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Careers in the Community Flyer
Your INPUT is IMPORTANT to us!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Input on Superintendent
Congratulations to 12 NLRMS students selected to attend the Innovation Hub's summer camp! Teacher recommendations played a large role in their selection! And, thanks Innovation Hub for offering scholarships to our students.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
Hub Scholarship Recipients