October in National Principals Month! We salute you, Matthew How, Principal at Ridge Road Elementary School.
Thank you for your leadership! We appreciate your service to the students, staff, and community!

October is National Principals Month! We salute you, Mr. How, the principal at Ridge Road Elementary School.
Thank you for your leadership! We appreciate your service to the students, staff, and community!

October 27 and October 29 will be observed as Remote Learning and Parent Teacher Conference days. Students will NOT report to school. Instead, they must log on for live instruction. Parent-Teacher Conference will be virtual and will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on both days. Contact your child's school to schedule a meeting with their teacher.

The North Little Rock School District is striving to become a "High Reliability School" district within the next three years. This distinction will indicate that we have implemented best practices and procedures to improve student achievement. A part of this distinction requires our collecting data through research from our stakeholders. We need our families to take this survey to identify areas of strength and areas of need from your perspective.
Please take the survey at the following link: https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWnFsOgqyTbwtpz?group=nonstudent
Thank you for being a part of our district!

Students and staff across the district are wearing red today to bring awareness to dyslexia. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!

This survey is to declare your academic option for the spring semester. Please complete this survey if your student is virtual and wish to remain virtual, virtual and would like to return to school, or at school and would like to go virtual. The survey will close on November 9th.
• You will need to complete a different survey for each of your students.
• You will need to login with their google ID and password (The same email address and password used to log into Google Classroom and/or onto the Chromebook).
English: https://tinyurl.com/y4x7upv7
Spanish: https://tinyurl.com/y6r59mpa

We can not wait to see you in your amazing costumes!

Join us on Friday, October 16, as we wear red for Dyslexia Awareness Month!

Students in kindergarten through third grade in the North Little Rock School District will be provided standards-based report cards instead of the traditional report cards that contain letter grades.
This is a new initiative that will show parents how students fare when it comes to the standards set by the Arkansas Department of Education.
Click on the link and please watch the video. Lori Smith, the Executive Director of Elementary Education, discusses the new grading system: https://www.nlrsd.org/article/320980?org=central-office

The North Little Rock School District is striving to become a "High Reliability School" district within the next three years. This distinction will indicate that we have implemented best practices and procedures to improve student achievement.
A part of this distinction requires our collecting data through research from our stakeholders. We need our families to take this survey to identify areas of strength and areas of need from your perspective.
Please take the survey at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y6c2yqm3
Thank you for being a part of our district!

Today is National Walk & Bike to School Day! Students and families of Ridge Road Elementary took part in this activity in an effort to promote active and safe travel.

October is Dyslexia Awareness Month. The North Little Rock School District is recognizing this month with a series of initiatives to make our students and families aware of dyslexia and the services that we provide.

We have been approved to have Virtual Learning Fridays! This will begin on 10/23.
In summary, attending school on Fridays is optional. Students enrolled in face-to-face instruction will have the option of completing assignments either in person or at home. Virtual students will complete assignments as normal. These assignments will be completed asynchronously, which means there will be no live instruction. No new material will be introduced. Attendance will still be taken.
Please read additional information about Virtual Learning Fridays at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/yyt25zzv

Greg Pilewski, the incoming Superintendent of the North Little Rock School District, will begin his role on November 1.
Please view his message to students, staff, parents, and the community: https://youtu.be/Zajw08ZbNgI

• Building opens at 7:20 am
• Class starts at 7:50 am
• Tardy bell at 7:50 am
Tardy procedures
If your student arrives at school at 7:50 am please park your car at the front of the building and call the office (501.771.8155). Please do not drop off your student in the back once its 7:50 am. Once you have parked and called the front office we can come out to have you sign him/her in. This way we can keep our students safe and no one is left unattended at any time. This is also to help us maintain all CDC health guidelines.
Thank you!
• El edificio abre a las 7:20 am
• Las clases empiezan a las 7:50 am
• La campana de entrada tarde es 7:50 am
Procedimientos de cuando llega tarde
Si su estudiante llega a la escuela a las 7:50 am, por favor estacione su auto en frente del edificio y llame a la oficina (501.771.8155). Por favor no deje a su estudiante en la parte de atrás si es a las 7:50 am. Una vez que haya estacionado y llamado a la oficina principal, podemos salir para que lo registre. De esta manera podemos mantener a nuestros estudiantes seguros y nadie se quedará desatendido en ningún momento. Esto también nos ayuda a mantener todas las reglas de salud del departamento de salud.

The North Little Rock School District will once again host flu clinics at each of its schools. See the schedule below.
Virtual students can take vaccine at their assigned school at the times listed.

Can you put this under the picture?
Thank you for all of you who participated in the Hispanic Heritage weekly activity. These are some of the amazing maracas our students both virtual and tradition made.
Gracias a todos los que participaron en la actividad semanal de la Herencia Hispana. Estas son algunas de las maravillosas marcas que hicieron nuestros estudiantes, tanto virtuales como tradicionales.

We're reaching out to our students who have not come to school or have not logged on. Call your school today and decide which option is right for you!
Check out this message from students across the district: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5RIVyD40Bc
We're waiting...

Recognizing and celebrating contributions by Hispanic Americans to our city, state, and country.
Reconociendo y celebrando las contribuciones de nuetros hispanos a nuetra ciudad, estado, y pais.

Dear parents,
This year we are still wanting to celebrate with you all Hispanic Heritage Month. Even Though this year might be a little different we hope that you can enjoy the activities and learning videos we will be sharing with you all.
Queridos padres,
Este año todavía queremos celebrar con ustedes el Mes de la Herencia Hispana. Aunque este año puede ser un poco diferente, esperamos que puedan disfrutar de las actividades y los videos de aprendizaje que compartiremos con todos ustedes.