The North Little Rock Early Childhood Program will begin taking applications for the 2017-18 school year Monday, February 20th. Applications will be available at the Early Childhood Center (441 McCain Blvd), at all elementary schools, and on the District Web Site under Departments / Early Childhood. Please make sure you are completing the 17-18 application for next year.
Children must be 3 or 4 by August 1st, 2017, and live in the North Little Rock School District's attendance zone to be eligible to apply. The District's Early Childhood Program is funded though the Arkansas Better Chance and Arkansas Better Chance for School Success grants, so children/families must have one or more qualifying factor to participate in the District's program.
You will need the following documentation to apply:
Child's Birth Certificate
Child's Current Shot Record
Child's Social Security Card or Number if the child has one
Child's Medicaid, ARKids, or Insurance Information
Proof of 1 month's income for all parents and/or step-parents living in the household
We can accept a 2016 W2 or tax return OR all check stubs received during a full month (must be recent).
Applications need to be complete and in the Early Childhood Office by June 1, 2017. Applications are NOT processed or placed on a first come first serve basis.
If you have any questions, you may contact the Early Childhood Office at 771-8170.