Ms. Batte's class enjoyed spending their morning with Arkansas State Fair Elite Ms. Queen as she read to them, talked with them about St. Patrick's Day, how to catch a leprechaun, and gifted them with some green accessories to celebrate.
Parents/Guardians: This is just a reminder that course selection sheets are due to your child's social studies teacher by tomorrow, March 14. Students who do not return selection sheets will have their electives chosen for them. Also, if you have not completed the High Reliability Schools survey, please take a moment to do so. This data provides important information about the strengths and areas of improvement for our school. Follow the link to complete the survey:
Dear Parents/Guardians: Please view our NLRMS 6 Weekly Newsletter for important updates and reminders!!
Attention Parents/Guardians: Tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12, all 6th grade students will meet with the 7th grade counselor during their social studies classes to discuss scheduling for next year. All students will receive a selection sheet to choose their electives for 7th grade. These selection sheets are due back to your student's social studies teacher BY THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2024.
Reminder: NLRMS 6 students will take the ATLAS Writing test tomorrow, Thursday, March 7th beginning at 8:00 am. Please make every effort for your child to attend and be on time.
On Thursday, March 7th, 6th grade students will take the ATLAS writing test. Please read the attached newsletter to learn more about testing procedures as well as events on campus:
On Thursday, March 7th, 6th grade students will take the ATLAS writing test. In addition students will take the ATLAS Reading, Math, and Science test May 7-9th. These are very important state required exams. Please read the attached parent letter and district cell phone testing policy for important information about the testing procedures.
ATLAS Parent Letter:
ATLAS Cell Phone Policy:
The Parent Meeting for students to join the middle and high school dance teams has been postponed. There will be another date communicated in the near future.
I-2-3-4 we declare a penny war! NLRMS 6 is currently hosting a penny war to benefit the Make-A-Wish foundation, and the deadline has been extended to March 15. Your child can bring pennies, dimes, nickels, quarters, or even dollar bills to donate. If you would like to donate electronically, you may do so at the following link:
This information is being shared on behalf of the North Little Rock Public Education Foundation. The NLRPEF provides financial assistance for many of the programs and initiatives in our school district.
At 3 weeks from spring break, we have A LOT going on at NLRMS 6: penny wars, Read Across America week, state testing and more. Be sure to read this week's newsletter for all the details:
This message is to inform you that the AT&T network is down nationwide. This may impact many of our students, staff, and families who have AT&T service. This outage does not impact our schools or district. Therefore, we will resume normal operations.
Click on this link if you'd like to read more about this nationwide outage:
Interim progress reports will go home with students on Tuesday, February 19th. Please view our NLRMS 6 weekly newsletter for 2/19-2/23:
If your family was affected by the tornado last March, there may be additional resources available to help you. Please review the flyer attached for more information.
It was great to see all the parents attending conferences last week. Logging into HAC each week is still the best way to stay current with your childs grades. This week we will be conducting interim assessments in Math and Language Arts. The scores that come from these tests will allow teachers to make informed decisions on the progress of our students. Attendance at school is very important. We want to see all of our students daily. However, if your child is sick or running fever, please make sure that they are fever/symptom free before returning to school. Tests are one part of what we do, but we have plenty of fun happening in the classrooms as well. This week's newsletter will give you all the details:
Parent-Teacher conferences are Thursday, February 8 from 12-6 pm. For more information about conferences and other campus events be sure to read this week's newsletter:
ATTENTION: Current 6th and 7th graders interested in cheer for next year,
Mandatory parent meeting: Thursday - February 15 @ 4:30 PM in the NLRMS mini auditorium
Dear Parents,
On February 6th we will be conducting BMI/Scoliosis screening. We will be doing BMI
on all 6th grade students. On February 6th we will be doing Scoliosis on 6th grade girls. It is a state mandated screening. If you do not want your student to participate in the scoliosis screening you will need to let us know IN WRITING 3 days before the screening date. Phone calls will not be accepted. If your child does not participate you will have to take them to a physician and have the screening done and return a record from the doctor with the results of the screening. If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact Nurse Stigall at
Parent-Teacher Conferences are scheduled for next Thursday, Feb. 8th from 12-6 pm. For more information on this and other campus events, be sure to read this week's newsletter:
Attention Parents/Guardians! On February 6th we will be conducting BMI/Scoliosis screening. We will be doing BMI on all 6th grade students. On February 6th we will be doing Scoliosis on 6th grade girls. It is a state mandated screening. If you do not want your student to participate in the scoliosis screening you will need to let us know in writing 3 days before the screening date. Phone calls will not be accepted. If your child does not participate you will have to take them to a physician and have the screening done and return a record from the doctor with the results of the screening. If you have any questions or concerns, you may email Nurse Stigall at