Just a Reminder:
How does the traffic line work? (Student Pick-up and Drop-off)
As all of our veteran Indian Hills Parents know drop off and pick –up can be overwhelming. First and foremost we care about the safety of every child, parent, and staff member! Please follow these helpful tips:
Dismissal Procedure
There are 4 options for how your child will get home: car rider, walker, bus, and daycare.
- Car riders will exit out of the front of the building and wait under the covered awning. WE WILL HAVE 2 LANES OF CARS FOR PICK UP.
- Walkers will exit the building in 2 areas: 1) If students live on the Osage side, he/she will be dismissed by the gym. 2) If students live on the Kroger side, he/she will be dismissed by the art room and will be walked across the crosswalk by the crossing guard.
- Bus riders will meet in the cafeteria and have assigned bus tables.
- Daycare will be dismissed to the gym.
- Please enter/exit from the intersection of Osage Drive and Wigwam.
- During drop off and pick up, please only make right turns into the school drive. Please do not turn onto Wigwam from Indian Hills Blvd.
- During drop off and pick up, no electronics (radio, cell, texting)
- All children should come into the building through the cafeteria no matter their grade
- Be courteous to other drivers
- The doors open at 7:00
- No dropping off in the back parking lot
- If your child changes from day to day on how they are getting home, make sure that the office or child’s teacher clearly understands the plan. It is not good enough to just inform your child on the plan. IT MUST BE IN WRITING!
- No parking in the row of parking spots from the first crosswalk to the end of the parking lot. This is to improve the line of sight.
- No parking in grassy areas around the building
- No parking on Indian Hills Drive from the corner next to Kroger’s to the end of the school property on either side of the road from 7:20-3:30
- Please use the crosswalk from the church parking lot across Wigwam.
- Exiting our parking lot is a right turn only!