AP Exams will be administered May 11-May 22, 2020. The make-upwindow for AP testing is June 1-5,2020. This year's exams will be 45-minute, at-homeexams, with the exception of those listed below. AP teachers have attemptedto make contact with all students about this this year's format. If you have notresponded to your teacher’s communication, please make contact with them andlet them know if you plan on taking the exam.
The district isstrongly encouraging students to take this unique opportunity to score a 3 toearn a semester of college credit. With all of the online teaching videosand specific information about what is on the tests, this is a grand opportunity to succeed on AP exams.
The NLRSD would liketo encourage all AP students to participate in AP testing.
Classes to submit aportfolio:
· 2-DArt and Design
· 3-DArt and Design
· Drawing
· ComputerScience Principles (This portfolio submission is best done on a laptop.)
· Research
· Seminar
The link to the fulltesting schedule may be found here.
If you needassistance with technology to take an exam, click here.
For information onthe AP exam, please reach your teacher or contact thefollowing:
· KarlaWhisnant, COE Principal, at whisnantk@nlrsd.org
· AmberHodges, NLRHS Asst. Principal, hodgesa@nlrsd.org
· BonnieCurlin, AP Coordinator, at curlinb@nlrsd.org
· BroukeReynolds, District Testing Coordinator, at reynoldsb@nlrsd.org