Don't forget, no school Monday.
over 6 years ago, James Doran
When a Summit student gets a 7/10...
over 6 years ago, James Doran
Michael Scott Noooo
Students come back Wednesday! Summit users will be chasing that blue line like...
over 6 years ago, James Doran
Golden opportunity!
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
College Prep Flyer
Representative French Hill of Arkansas and Representative Virginia Foxx of North Carolina toured NLR High School's new conversion charter - the Center of Excellence. Foxx, chair of the House Committee on Education and the Workforce was interested in seeing firsthand the roles that community, college and industry partnerships are playing in the COE.
almost 7 years ago, NLRSD
US Congress Representatives visiting COE
Follow us!
about 7 years ago, James Doran
Orientation Week!
about 7 years ago, James Doran
NLRMS students who have not completed the scheduling process for the Center of Excellence for the 17-18 school year can do so on April 4 from 9:30-11:30 in the 7/8th Grade Media Center.
over 7 years ago, NLRSD
NLRHS students who have not completed the scheduling process for the Center of Excellence for the 17-18 school year can do so on March 28 from 1:00-3:00. See Mrs. Toland in the bottom of Tower C.
over 7 years ago, NLRSD
Interested in enrolling in the Center of Excellence?? Contact or go to for information!
over 7 years ago, NLRSD
COE Enrollment Opportunity TODAY! 8-10 am & 4-6 pm - Central Office Board Room (2700 N Poplar). Enrollment forms:
over 7 years ago, NLRSD
Are you ready?! Enrollment forms for the Center of Excellence are now being accepted!! Find enrollment forms here:
over 7 years ago, NLRSD