
Following the recommendation of Governor Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas Department of Health, the North Little Rock School District has adopted new CDC guidelines for COVID-19 as it relates to quarantines. 

Individuals identified as a close contact can choose one of the following options:

Option 1:  The student or staff member can return to campus on Day 11 if they have not developed any symptoms.

Option 2:  The student or staff member can return to campus on Day 8 only if they received a negative test after Day 5 of becoming a close contact and developed no symptoms during those days.

These options are available ONLY if the individual has no symptoms.  If symptoms develop during quarantine, the person should immediately isolate and get tested, even if he or she had a negative test during quarantine.  Contact the school nurse immediately with test results that return positive.  

Please be patient as the nurses are communicating the new dates and options to students and staff who are currently in quarantine. 

If you have any questions, please contact a school nurse.