The North Little Rock School District has made a temporary and immediate change to its Point of Contact (POC) position for staff, students, and parents to report positive COVID-19 cases and to serve as the district’s liaison to the Arkansas Department of Health.
Nurse Tonya Green will serve as the district’s POC from now until further notice. Nurse Tonya or another school nurse will manage the district’s COVID-19 hotline. The number to the hotline is (501) 240-1753. The hotline will be operational between the hours of 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p.m. Anyone who calls the hotline after 8:00 p.m. is urged to leave a voicemail, and the call will be returned the following day. If it is an emergency, please call 911.

The survey to make changes for your academic learning option for the spring semester will be Wednesday, December 9 at 5:00 p.m.
Please complete the survey if you would like one of the following academic options:
1. Virtual now and want to remain virtual for spring 2021.
2. Virtual now and want to return to your campus for spring 2021.
3. On campus now and want to be virtual for spring 2021.
This is the link to the survey: https://tinyurl.com/yy62ugq7
Parents will need to log in with their student's email and password to access survey.

The North Little Rock School District has adopted new COVID-19 guidelines as it relates to quarantines.
Please visit the following link to read them: https://tinyurl.com/y54496gc

Superintendent Gregory J. Pilewski is urging students, employees, and the community to practice safety over the Thanksgiving holiday break.
WATCH: https://youtu.be/FVNL6oOdBy0
To reach the district's COVID Point of Contact over the break, please call (501) 240-1753.

Internet services have been restored. Thank you for your patience.

Please read the following communication from Superintendent Gregory J. Pilewski, Ed.D.

As part of a coordinated response to the COVID-19 Pandemic, the Division of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE), in partnership with the Office for Education Policy (OEP) at the University of Arkansas, has developed a Parent/Guardian survey for soliciting family input on what is working now and what may be considered for the future.
Please take the survey: https://uark.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6X7aRF3ErNNXFel

Please read the following message from Gregory J. Pilewski, Ed.D., Superintendent of the North Little Rock School District.

November is Parent Engagement Month!
Look for the sign below at your child's school, take a picture, and upload it to your Facebook page with #NLRSDParentsMatter.
Do the Math: Parents (Family) + Teachers (School/Community) = Student Success!

As part of our new partnership with BSN Sports, you can purchase NLR apparel at a discounted rate!
Be sure to use the promo code GRANDOPENING20 at checkout.
Link: http://sideline.bsnsports.com/schools/arkansas/northlittlerock/north-little-rock-high-school

October 27 and October 29 will be observed as Remote Learning and Parent Teacher Conference days. Students will NOT report to school. Instead, they must log on for live instruction. Parent-Teacher Conference will be virtual and will take place from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. on both days. Contact your child's school to schedule a meeting with their teacher.

The North Little Rock School District is striving to become a "High Reliability School" district within the next three years. This distinction will indicate that we have implemented best practices and procedures to improve student achievement. A part of this distinction requires our collecting data through research from our stakeholders. We need our families to take this survey to identify areas of strength and areas of need from your perspective.
Please take the survey at the following link: https://hanover-research.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWnFsOgqyTbwtpz?group=nonstudent
Thank you for being a part of our district!

October in National Principals Month! We salute you, Allen Pennington, Principal at Amboy Elementary School.
Thank you for your leadership! We appreciate your service to the students, staff, and community!

October is National Principals Month! We salute you, Mr. Pennington, the principal at Amboy Elementary School.
Thank you for your leadership! We appreciate your service to the students, staff, and community!

October in National Principals Month! We salute you, Allen Pennington, Principal at Amboy Elementary School.
Thank you for your leadership! We appreciate your service to the students, staff, and community!

Students and staff across the district are wearing red today to bring awareness to dyslexia. October is Dyslexia Awareness Month!

This survey is to declare your academic option for the spring semester. Please complete this survey if your student is virtual and wish to remain virtual, virtual and would like to return to school, or at school and would like to go virtual. The survey will close on November 9th.
• You will need to complete a different survey for each of your students.
• You will need to login with their google ID and password (The same email address and password used to log into Google Classroom and/or onto the Chromebook).
English: https://tinyurl.com/y4x7upv7
Spanish: https://tinyurl.com/y6r59mpa

Join us on Friday, October 16, as we wear red for Dyslexia Awareness Month!

Students in kindergarten through third grade in the North Little Rock School District will be provided standards-based report cards instead of the traditional report cards that contain letter grades.
This is a new initiative that will show parents how students fare when it comes to the standards set by the Arkansas Department of Education.
Click on the link and please watch the video. Lori Smith, the Executive Director of Elementary Education, discusses the new grading system: https://www.nlrsd.org/article/320980?org=central-office

The North Little Rock School District is striving to become a "High Reliability School" district within the next three years. This distinction will indicate that we have implemented best practices and procedures to improve student achievement.
A part of this distinction requires our collecting data through research from our stakeholders. We need our families to take this survey to identify areas of strength and areas of need from your perspective.
Please take the survey at the following link: https://tinyurl.com/y6c2yqm3
Thank you for being a part of our district!