August 21, 2017
Dear Parents:
Thank you for a great start to the new school year. We realize there are some concerns with our dismissal procedures for car riders. In response to your concerns, we are going to do a “TEST TRIAL” of a new procedure for dismissal for our car riders beginning Tuesday, August 22, 2017. We hope this will help make this process not only safe for students, but expedient for us all. If this procedure is successful, we will adopt this as our new procedure. A lot of its success depends on your assistance and cooperation.
Car riders will be seated in the main hallway near the office and K-1 wing. They must wait until the duty staff calls their name to exit the front of the building. Parents are asked to drive in the pick-up lane near the curb, closest to the building, to receive your student(s). Please do not exit your vehicle. You will be asked to form two lanes in front of the school. Please pull up to the fire hydrant near the end of the building, closest to the Pre-K rooms. There will be a staff member on duty that will collect the names of the first 8-10 vehicles (depending on the size). The first set of students will be called and escorted to their assigned numbered cone. They will wait for assistance of the car duty staff member to assist them getting in to vehicle. Once the first 8-10 cars have loaded, there will be a car duty staff member holding signs to release the row of cars. If you are signaled to “GO” please exit slowly to your left forming one line to exit the parking lot. If your row is signaled to “STOP”, please stop and wait for the signal to “GO”. The next set of cars will be given the signal to drive forward to receive their child(ren). This process will repeat until all traffic has settled or all students are gone.
SAFETY is of the utmost importance. Please be patient with us as we do our best to ensure that each student is loaded in their perspective vehicles safely. Please refrain from exiting your vehicle and walking to the building to receive your child. Please remain in your vehicle. Once you leave the parking lot, please exit to the right that leads to MacArthur Drive in order to ensure a steady flow of traffic.
Any changes in transportation must be in writing and must include your signature, date and given to the students teacher.
For safety reasons, we are asking that the building is clear of parents between 2:20 p.m. -2:30 p.m. Pre-K parents are encouraged to pick up between 2:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Once the bell rings for dismissal, the side parking lot will be only used for vehicles that have a student running behind to pull over to wait. This helps not to impede traffic and ensures a steady flow.
Please remember that every child's safety is our first priority. Again, your assistance and cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Thanks for your cooperation in order to keep everyone safe!!!
Allen E. Pennington
Amboy Elementary Principal