Reminder: Early Dismissal for students on Friday, May 20.
NLR Academy Semester Exam Information
- Students are unable to take exams early. All exams are given during the exam time or the makeup day. If a student is unable to take their exam during exam week, they must contact AP Lard for arrangements.
For Grades 9-12
Periods B1 & B2: Monday, May 23
Periods A1 & A2: Tuesday, May 24
Periods B3 & B4: Wednesday, May 25
Periods A3 & A4: Thursday, May 26
Makeup Exams: Friday, May 27**
- Semester exams will run from 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. and 10:10 a.m. to 11:40 a.m. - lunch then buses. Students may be picked up after the second exam as well.
- Students only come for the exams they must take.
**If an emergency arises, which prevents a student from taking the semester exam at the scheduled time, the student, or their parent/guardian, should contact the school to notify their assistant principal of the emergency as soon as possible. Permission must be given by an assistant principal or the building principal in order to make up the missed exam.
Middle School
May 23-26 Regular Schedule, May 27 (Tentative)