NLRSD is represented at the UCA Career Fair visiting with soon to be graduates who are interested in being prospective employees.
The North Little Rock School District is in session on Friday, February 23.
The NLRSD is OPEN tomorrow along with the Little Rock School District! PCSSD is closed due to flooding along rural bus routes.
The source of this morning's threatening social media post has been located. The NLRPD are handling the source. The District & NLRPD will continue to work diligently for the safety of our students & staff.
The North Little Rock Police Department is aware of continued social media posts in regards to the safety of our students and staff. The District, along with the NLR Police Department are aware and taking all comments seriously. The NLR Police Department is investigating all posts.
The NLRPD has increased their presences in the neighborhoods of all schools. Our students and staffs safety is of upmost importance. Please know we are working on this and taking it all seriously.
Members of the NLR Football Team visited Pike View Elementary and ate breakfast with the Pre-K students. #communityservice
Kindergarten students in Mrs. Whitlock's class at Crestwood are showing off their reading this morning!
Congratulations to NLR Academy. They received special recognition by the Arkansas Association of Alternative Educators in partnership with the Department of Education at the State Capitol. We are proud of this staff and their hard work and dedication to the students at NLR Academy.
Check this out at North Little Rock Middle School!
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled this week; Thursday, February 15 following school and in the morning on Friday, February 16. Check with your student’s school for specific times.
Students WILL NOT attend school on Friday. Enjoy your 3 day weekend.
A great time was had by all at the Indian Hills Elementary Winter Carnival!
Join the NLRSD and wear RED Friday, February 2 in honor of National Wear Red Day in support of heart disease awareness.
Boone Park Elementary Track celebrates running the distance of a marathon as a team! Thank you to our sponsor Marathon Kids for awarding us a grant to make this possible, and to our two volunteer coaches Jalynn McColey and Krystal Quetant.
If you had a child at Pike View during the 16-17 school year and paid for extended day services during 2016, your tax statement is ready in the Pike View Office.
7th Street students and staff started the day celebrating great behavior by the entire school. 2nd grade teacher, Pam Springer, took one for the team by kissing a pig!! Way to go students! Keep it up students. We can’t wait to see what’s next!!!
Mrs. Thomas hosted a family STEM workshop for her students and families at Boone Park. Valencia Essel, NLRSD Elementary Science Specialist, demonstrated science experiments and assisted families in the fun.
Families at Glenview Elementary are enjoying all kinds of activities at their SLAM Night! What a fun time exploring Science, Literacy, Athletics and Math.
SLAM Night Fun at Meadow Park!!! Families and students are enjoying a night of Science, Literacy, Athletics and Math along with dinner and door prizes!
Congrats to Dawn McLain, NLRMS 6th grade teacher who was named the Milken Educator Award. “Great teachers like Dawn McLain prove every day that education is the best investment America can make”, said Co-Founder Mike Mullen. Ms. McLain was honored with a $25,000 check and represents all educators across the world as this year’s winner. Congrats!!!
Congratulations to this year's NLR Logo Trademark Grant Winners. Funds for these grants are through the purchase of NLR gear throughout the year. We appreciate the community supporting this endeavor.
Brenda Warner - 7th Street PreK - Outdoor Space
Missy Jaros - Boone Park Elementary - Cooking Lessons in Kindergarten
Patrick Bruce - NLR Academy - Electric Lessons
Tracy Childers - NLRMS - Current Events to Critical Thinking
Dawn McLain - NLRMS -Virtual Viewers
Shanon Neumeier - NLRMS - Repurpose the Costume Room in Auditorium
Brandi Hanson - NLRMS - Virtual Viewers
GT Teachers - Amboy, 7th Street, Lakewood and Ridge Road - Quest Olympics
Heather Rhodes-Newburn, Angie Colclasure - Central Office - Literacy Bus
Fine Arts Teachers - Crestwood Elementary - The Lion King script
Gina Barrett - Lakewood Elementary - Percussion instruments