COVID-19 has forced many changes, but it has not stopped the North Little Rock Rotary from presenting the district's kindergarten students with books and reading them with the youngsters.
Since 1999, the North Little Rock Rotary has organized the "I Like Me" campaign. Each kindergartner in the district receives a personalized book that features their name, two friends' names, and the names of the teacher, principal, and school. The book is aimed to develop the student's self-esteem, to bring about a joy for reading, and to promote community engagement. Rotarians, district and city leaders, high school students and volunteers read the books with the five- and six-year-olds.
Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, reading in person did not take place this year, but it still took happened! The schools and the Rotarians have participated in virtual readings.
The North Little Rock EAST program plays a role in this endeavor. The high school students gather all of kindergartners' names, friends' names, and other personalized information and organizes it for the publisher.