Nine eleventh grade students from the North Little Rock School District will be spending part of their summer at Arkansas Tech University to participate in Arkansas Governor’s School.
The Arkansas Governor’s School is a prestigious four-week summer residential program held for upcoming high school seniors who are residents of the state of Arkansas. The program is funded by the Arkansas State Legislature as a portion of the biennial appropriation for Gifted and Talented Programs through the Arkansas Department of Education. Funds provide tuition, room, board, and instructional materials for each student who attends the four-week program on the site of a residential college campus, sponsored by the State. The program will take place Arkansas Governor’s School is scheduled for July 5 through August 1.
The Arkansas Governor’s School is a non-credit program that seeks to create a unique experience for a select group of Arkansas’ best students—the potential leaders of the 21st century. Both inside and outside the classrooms, AGS provides highly motivated, creative students with an intellectual atmosphere impossible to sustain in ordinary academic settings. The excitement of intellectual and artistic pursuits and the expectation of significant conceptual gains permeate all aspects of the participants’ lives for the full four weeks.
Students are selected on the basis of their special aptitudes in one of nine fields: choral music, development engineering, drama, English/Language Arts, instrumental music, mathematics, natural science, social science, and visual arts.
Bottom Row: Jerzey Banks, Drama, NLRHS (alternate); Carley Walker, Drama, COE; Sang Huynh, Development Engineering, COE; Towns Passmore, NLRHS, Mathematics; Top Row: Ryan Estrada, Mathematics, COE (alternate); Callen Leonard, Visual Arts, NLRHS; Tyler Green, Development Engineering, COE; and Nathaen Williams, Visual Arts, NLRHS. Not pictured is Lily Madden, who will study Visual Arts. She is a student from NLRHS.
Students selected as alternates will attend if space allows.
Across the country, students who attend Governor’s Schools earn them a credential that sets them apart on college and scholarship applications.