The North Little Rock School District has a series of logos that are used for identification purposes.
Amateur Sports Licensing, LLC (ASL) is the authorized licensing representative of the North Little Rock School District and therefore is responsible for licensing, protection, and enforcement of its name, logos, colors, slogans, mascot, and other proprietary rights.
The unauthorized use of any of the insignias constitutes trademark infringement, leading to a misrepresentation of the District or its vision and mission. Please do not copy or use the logo without the permission of the District or ASL. Doing so could lead to litigation.
If you would like to become a licensed vendor, please contact ASL at the following:
Amateur Sports Licensing, LLC
Attn: Jim W. Wyatt, J.D.
308 East 8th Street
Little Rock, AR 72202
You may email jwyatt@asl.zone or also call (501) 831-7228.
Click here to see a list of Licensed Vendors.