Check this page periodically as we will post updates for reopening school here.
Revise esta página periódicamente ya que publicaremos actualizaciones para reabrir la escuela aquí.
Posted August 11, 2020
The revised calendar for the 2020-2021 school year is available:
El calendario revisado para el año escolar 2020-2021 está disponible:
Last night (August 10), the North Little Rock Board of Education voted not to mandate the uniform policy for the 2020-2021 school year. Our elementary and middle school students wear uniforms. We know that some families have already purchased uniforms for the new school year. Feel free to send your student to school in that apparel. We understand that many of our families have been negatively affected by this pandemic and are unable to purchase uniforms for their students. Please be aware that teachers and administrators will expect students to report to school in presentable, distraction-free attire. Those who do not will be subject to disciplinary actions.
\r\nThank you for being a part of the North Little Rock School District.
\r\nAnoche (10 de agosto), la Junta de Educación de North Little Rock votó a favor de no exigir la política de uniformes para el año escolar 2020-2021. Nuestros estudiantes de primaria y secundaria usan uniformes. Sabemos que algunas familias ya han comprado uniformes para el nuevo año escolar. No dude en enviar a su hijo a la escuela con esa ropa. Entendemos que muchas de nuestras familias se han visto afectadas negativamente por esta pandemia y no pueden comprar uniformes para sus estudiantes. Tenga en cuenta que los maestros y administradores esperan que los estudiantes se presenten a la escuela con un atuendo presentable y sin distracciones. Aquellos que no lo hagan estarán sujetos a acciones disciplinarias.
\r\nGracias por ser parte del Distrito Escolar de North Little Rock.
\r\nPosted August 3, 2020
\r\nPlease read the latest communication from Dr. McGee about fall sports:
\r\nPosted July 29, 2020:
\r\nDr. McGee, the Interim Superintendent, and Maria Touchstone, ESOL Coordinator, have recorded a message to discuss a Reopening Survey. This survey is for parents who want their students to attend school for instruction. Click here to watch the video.
\r\nThe deadline to complete the survey is August 5.
\r\nEl Dr. McGee, Superintendente Interino, y Maria Touchstone, Coordinadora de ESOL, han grabado un mensaje para discutir una Encuesta de Reapertura. Esta encuesta es para padres que desean que sus estudiantes asistan a la escuela para recibir instrucción. Haga clic en ella para ver el video.
La fecha límite para completar la encuesta es el 5 de agosto.
\r\nPosted July 20, 2020:
\r\nDr. McGee has some updated communication for families to read. This link takes you to it.
\r\nDr. McGee tiene una comunicación actualizada para las familias. Este enlace te lleva a él.
\r\nPosted on July 13, 2020:
\r\nPlease read the latest communiqué from Dr. McGee. This link takes you to it.
\r\nPor favor lea la siguiente comunicación del Dr. McGee. Este enlace te lleva a él.
\r\nPosted July 10, 2020:
\r\nWatch the Virtual Cupcake and Conversation Town Hall
\r\nYou've got questions? We've got answers! Read the Frequently Asked Questions and the responses to them.
\r\nDo you want to enroll into Virtual Academy? You can do so at the following links:
(You can fill out one form per child. If you have two children, then you must compete to forms, and so on.)
Posted on June 29, 2020:
Haga clic para leer en espanol
\r\nDear North Little Rock Students, Parents/ Guardians, Faculty, and Community,
\r\nThank you for your patience and cooperation during this nationwide public health emergency. Your support will be significant in a successful school reopening on August 13, 2020.
\r\nThe North Little Rock School District (NLRSD) will continue to follow the guidance from the Governor’s Office, Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), and the Arkansas Department of Health (ADH). ADE has provided all school districts with "Ready for Learning"plans to ensure that teaching and learning continue, along with the support system that will allow students to be successful, allow parents to assist in learning, and support teachers in the reopening of schools. We ask for continued patience and cooperation as the state’s guidance and directives will be implemented in school operations.
\r\nSince school closure on March 12, 2020, our community has gone through numerous changes but has remained committed to providing a quality education. You will continue to receive communication regarding the updates as new information becomes available.
\r\nThis correspondence will be one of many regarding the next steps toward reopening of school in August. NLRSD values your input; therefore, we are soliciting your feedback during the planning phase. You may submit your feedback at one of the following links listed further down in this communication.
\r\nOne of our goals is to create a learning environment that promotes and provides opportunities for growth and development among our student body. We look to support all students academically, socially, and emotionally while encouraging them to strive for excellence in the classrooms and extracurricular activities. We will continue to implement the guidelines set forth by ADE, ADH, and the Governor's office with the intention to accomplish our goal.
\r\nBelow is a summary of options for the 2020-21 school year. Please note, these are options and are subject to change as updated guidelines are released. All new information will be communicated.
\r\nFirst Day of School
\r\nAugust 13, 2020 - This date is subject to change based upon guidance by ADE and ADH.
\r\nFeedback Links
\r\nPlease fill out the forms (available in English and Spanish) or send an email to the address listed below:
\r\n\r\n (English)
\r\n (Spanish)
\r\nAcademic Options
\r\n1. Blended Learning: Blending learning allows students to continue learning grade level or content standards through the use of technology-based and face-to-face instructional practices.
\r\nThis option will be a traditional school day between teachers and students with on-site instruction. All classes will be offered as normal. Technology will be applied in certain ways to transition to online or virtual learning in the event a school closure warrants it.
\r\n2. Virtual Learning Academy: This option is available for parents who do not feel comfortable sending their children to on-site learning. This learning will be provided remotely with students using technology-based learning platforms. Students will not be on campus and classes will be interactive with NLRSD teachers facilitating. Attendance will be recorded and lessons will be graded as required. Curriculum will be aligned with state standards. Parents who choose this option will be asked to commit for the semester.
\r\nThe NLRSD will continue to explore other academic options that will provide a safe, quality education. Additional details will be forthcoming.
\r\nThe Reopening Schools Task Force was created to explore current options, brainstorm potential ideas, and/ or recommend new options. Members will collaborate to create a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document to provide additional information.
\r\nLearning Management System (LMS) \r\nAn LMS is an online platform that is used by both students and teachers to deliver and receive instruction, assignments, and assessments. NLRSD will be using the following platform approved by the ADE Division of Elementary and Secondary Education.
\r\n- PK - 2: Google Classroom
- 3 - 12: Google Classroom
- Special Education: Google Classroom
Face Coverings
\r\nOn Friday, June 19, 2020, the ADH issued new guidance on the wearing of face coverings. The Centers for Disease Control and the Arkansas Department of Health are advising the use of cloth face coverings to slow the spread of the virus. The guidance can be accessed here:
\r\nFace masks are strongly recommended by all staff per ADH guidelines. Face masks are strongly recommended by students ages 10 and older, per ADH guidelines. Although face masks are not recommended for students 10 and younger, it can be worn if manageable. Physical distancing will be practiced if practical.
\r\nBus Transportation
\r\nNLRSD will provide bus transportation for students. Per ADE guidelines, students ages 10 and older are strongly recommended to wear face coverings when riding the bus. We are planning no changes to bus schedules or stops. We will provide additional information at a later date.
\r\nChild Nutrition
\r\nNLRSD will follow the guidelines based upon ADE and ADH. More detailed information will be forthcoming.
\r\nParents should indicate their choice of instructional delivery for each child in the home by Thursday, July 2, 2020, at the following link:
\r\nIf no response is received, it will be assumed the student is attending school on-site instruction.
\r\nPosted on June 22, 2020:
\r\nThe district's Reopening Task Force, made up of parents, city leaders, district administrators and staff, and health professionals, held its first meeting Monday afternoon (June 22). The task force would like your input as well. Please complete the feedback form at the link below and provide the question(s) or concern(s) that you have as it relates to reopening in August. This, too, will help guide the group as they plan for fall 2020. Your input is valuable. Thank you for being a part of the North Little Rock School District.
\r\nLa Fuerza de Tarea de Reapertura del distrito, compuesta por padres, líderes de la ciudad, administradores y personal del distrito y profesionales de la salud, celebró su primera reunión el lunes por la tarde (22 de junio).
\r\nEl grupo de trabajo también quisiera su opinión. Complete el formulario de comentarios en el siguiente enlace y proporcione la (s) pregunta (s) o inquietud (es) que tenga en relación con la reapertura en agosto. Esto también ayudará a guiar al grupo mientras planean para el otoño de 2020.
\r\nSu aporte es valioso. Gracias por ser parte del Distrito Escolar North Little Rock.
\r\nPosted on June 15, 2020:
\r\nThe North Little Rock School District is making plans for the upcoming school year in the age of COVID-19.
\r\nThis takes you to a video featuring Dr. Keith McGee, the Interim Superintendent. Dr. McGee discusses the three options that are available for our students.
\r\nYou are also asked to complete a survey to express your interest in the Virtual Academy option. This takes you to the survey.
\r\nBuenos días comunidad de NLRSD,
\r\nVengo a proporcionar una actualización sobre la apertura de escuelas en otoño de 2020. Me gustaría informarle sobre las ideas y los próximos pasos con respecto a la apertura de escuelas este otoño.
\r\nUn Grupo de Trabajo de reapertura que consistirá en diversas partes interesadas de la comunidad y de distrito
Exploración de Otoño 2020 opciones e ideas que el grupo de trabajo a proporcionar retroalimentación y recomendaciones
Academia de Aprendizaje Virtual
Tenemos una encuesta disponible para que los padres interésados completen
Plan de Entrada de Días Alternativos de cara a cara que incluye el aprendizaje combinado opción de A / B
Regreso al día escolar normal siguiendo las pautas de los CDC, ADH y ADE
distanciamiento social
Revestimiento facial de tela (10 años en adelante)
Lavado de manos, incluyendo estaciones de desinfección para manos
Señales y mensajes
Sabemos que debemos resolver los detalles de cada opción.
Esta será una de las tareas para que el grupo de trabajo ayude con los detalles.
Crearemos un sitio de comentarios o preguntas donde los padres, estudiantes, maestros, directores y / u otras partes interesadas de la comunidad puedan brindar sus comentarios.
Esto llegará dentro de la semana.
Le pido a cada uno de ustedes que revise su correo electrónico, escuche las llamadas, revise sus mensajes de texto y monitoree nuestro sitio web y las páginas de redes sociales.
Gracias por su paciencia y cooperación mientras continuamos trabajando juntos para prepararnos para nuestros estudiantes.
Quiero que cada uno de ustedes sepa que “¡Esto es EE. UU.! ¡Unidos por el éxito estudiantil!